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Transition from Year 6

Moving up in September 2025?

We would like to sincerely thank those of you who attended our Welcome Evening on Monday 17th March; it was lovely to meet you, answer your questions, introduce our Transition Programme and welcome you into the Gordano family.

If you were unable to attend or would like a refresh on the evening, you can find our presentation below

Moving up from Year 6 to Year 7 is an exciting time for many, though we understand that some students, and parents for that matter, may feel a little daunted about their next steps in education. At Gordano, our mission is to make this journey an enjoyable and informative one. For parents and children alike, there will be new ways of communicating, new expectations and many enriching educational and extra-curricular opportunities during the next five to seven years in school.

To help parents and students with this transition, we host an Open Evening (or Open Morning) for the current Year 6 cohort hoping to join us in the following September. We hope that having an opportunity to visit the different parts of the school and talk to teachers and students gives a good impression of what it is like to be a pupil at Gordano School. It also gives visitors the chance to see a snapshot of some of the exciting opportunities that will be available to children when they join us.

Once your place is offered in March, you will be invited to a parental information evening at the school, when we will welcome you to the school and introduce you to many important aspects of life at Gordano.

In the summer, our transition team visits every primary school of the Year 6 children joining us to talk to the children and answer any questions they may have. All the Year 6 children will also get the opportunity to spend a full day at Gordano in July, where they will be put in their Gordano ‘tutor group’ for the first time and meet their new classmates.

We also run extra visits for students who would benefit from an enhanced transition programme, as advised by the primary schools.

Portishead Youth & Community Centre also support us by running a Transition Day.