Trips & Activities Week
Activities Week 30th June - 4th July 2025
Each year, during the summer term the school organises an Activities Week. This is a key component of the curriculum and during this period the regular timetable is put on hold and all students take part in the activities offered.
For students in Years 7, 8, and 9 this is a wonderful opportunity to engage in a variety of activities and take part in residential trips; the brochures for these Year groups are included below:
Click here to view the Year 7 brochure
Click here to view the Year 8 brochure
Click here to view the Year 9 Brochure
During the week, Year 10 students participate in work experience. This provides them with the opportunity to explore potential career interests, gain insight into the world of work, and enhance their CV. It can be one of the most transformative experiences for young people during their education.
Educational Trips
Our annual educational trips programme enriches the School curriculum and makes a significant contribution to the acquisition of our students' knowledge and development of skills.
Studies of the natural and man-made world, the present and past, science and arts, language and music can all be enhanced outside the classroom whilst adventure activity and sports skills can form the foundation of life-long interests.
These opportunities help to develop self-esteem, self-confidence and independence. They can also give our students the opportunity to experience other cultures and make and develop new friendships whilst broadening their horizons and knowledge.