Exam Centre
Welcome to Gordano School's Exam Centre. This page should provide you with important information to help you navigate the upcoming exam seasons.
Should you have any questions or concerns please email exams@gordanoschool.org.uk, we're here to help you!
Exams Officer: Mr Tom Shallcross
Exams Administrator: Dr Rachel Brown / Miss Laura Miller
Office opening hours: 8.00am - 4.00pm (Mon - Thurs) 8.00am - 3.30pm (Fri) (term time only)
Important dates for 2024 - 25
Exam Dates:
GCSE November Resits - Tuesday 5th November - Monday 11th November
Year 11 Mocks - Monday 2nd December - Friday 13th December
Year 13 Mocks - Monday 24th February - Friday 7th March
Summer Exams - Friday 2nd May - Friday 20th June
Year 12 Mocks - Monday 9th June - Friday 13th June
Year 10 Mocks - Monday 16th June - Friday 27th June
Exam Timetables:
Individual exam timetables will be issued before each exam season. Students will be issued with their timetables around 3 weeks before the exam season.
Exam Contingency Dates:
There are 2 exam contingency dates that students must keep free for the summer 2025 exam season should any national emergency take place that affects exams. The afternoon of Wednesday 11th June and all day on Wednesday 25th June 2025.
GCE (A Level) Results Day - Thursday 14th August 2025
GCSE Results Day - Thursday 21st August 2025
Exam Subject / Boards 2024-25
Please click on the link below for the list of the exam boards that we are currently using. This list is correct for exams in 2024/25, but please be aware that we occasionally change exam boards from one year to the next. If your child is not taking exams in this current academic year, they may study a different specification.
Exam Communications to Parents
Here you will find all the communications we have sent to parents relating to Exams.
1. Summer 2025 Entries - Letter to Parents and Carers
To access your examination timetable, please log into SchoolWorkSpace. Details of how to login can be found here for both parents / students:
Information for Candidates
The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) issue guidance for students taking exams. It is important that all students taking exams are familiar with the content of these documents. They are valid for all 2024/25 exam seasons.
JCQ- Joint Council for Qualifications
Information About You and How We Use It
Absence / Illness on the day of an exam
If you are not able to attend an examination for whatever reason, firstly you must inform the attendance and exam teams asap:
Years 10/11 - please email attendance@gordanoschool.org.uk
Years 12/13 - please email 6thformattendance@gordanoschool.org.uk
Exams - exams@gordanoschool.org.uk
If you have temporarily experienced illness, injury or some other event outside your control at the time of the assessment and this has had an effect on your ability to take an assessment or demonstrate your normal level of attainment, please complete the application for special consideration linked below.
Applications must be submitted on the day of the assessment that is affected. Supporting evidence must be emailed separately to exams@gordanoschool.org.uk detailing the students' name to support any applications made.
Applications for special consideration can only be made by the school and will only be made in exceptional circumstances, such as serious illness, bereavement or other major traumas. It is not available for long term conditions - any adjustments required in these cases should be accommodated through the provision of access arrangements if appropriate. Normal exam anxiety does not qualify for special consideration.
JCQ withhold the right to consider all the information available and make a final judgement on if and how special consideration is awarded to the assessment.
Summer 2025
Students and parents have been issued with The 2025 Exam Booklet in February 2025 detailing various pieces of information to do with this summer's exams. Please ensure this is read.
Results Day - A / AS Level - Thursday 14th August 8.00am
Results can be collected on site from 8.00am on Thursday 14th August from the Main Hall. Your result's envelope contains important information, including a breakdown of the marks achieved for each paper, which the emailed version does not provide. It also gives you all the relevant information about how to apply for post results services along with the relevant fees and deadlines. Please see the information under the 'Post Results Services' section for more information on what is available to you.
Grade boundaries can be found at the following websites ON results day.
AQA: AQA | Exams admin | Results days | Grade boundaries
Pearson: Grade boundaries | Pearson qualifications
OCR: Grade boundaries (ocr.org.uk)
Eduqas / WJEC: Results and Grade Boundaries (eduqas.co.uk)
Results will be emailed to students' school email addresses from 8:00am on results day. If you are on holiday abroad, you will not be able to access your school email address, so please make arrangements for someone to come and collect results on site.
Results can only be given to the student. If you would like to nominate someone else to collect your results on your behalf, then you will need to notify the exams team using the link below, and the person identified will need to bring in photographic ID on the day for results to be released. Result Day- collection if the candidate is not collecting
If you are concerned about any aspect of your results, staff will be available on results day to support you.
Results Day - GCSE - Thursday 21st August 8.00am
Results can be collected on site from 8.00am on Thursday 21nd August from the Main Hall. Your result's envelope contains important information, including a breakdown of the marks achieved for each paper, which the emailed version does not provide. It also gives you all the relevant information about how to apply for post results services along with the relevant fees and deadlines. Please see the information under the 'Post Results Services' section for more information on what is available to you.
Grade boundaries can be found at the following websites ON results day.
AQA: AQA | Exams admin | Results days | Grade boundaries
Pearson: Grade boundaries | Pearson qualifications
OCR: Grade boundaries (ocr.org.uk)
Eduqas / WJEC: Results and Grade Boundaries (eduqas.co.uk)
Results will be emailed to students' school email addresses from 8:00am on results day. If you are on holiday abroad, you will not be able to access your school email address, so please make arrangements for someone to come and collect results on site.
Results can only be given to the student. If you would like to nominate someone else to collect your results on your behalf, then you will need to notify the exams team using the link below, and the person identified will need to bring in photographic ID on the day for results to be released. Result Day- collection if the candidate is not collecting
If you are concerned about any aspect of your results, staff will be available on results day to support you.
Post-Results Services
Exam Policies 2023-24
Please find below all the Exam policies/guidance for terms 5 & 6. Click each link to access full details:
Certificates / Results
It is essential that you collect your certificates within 12 months of when exams were sat. For exams sat in the summer, certificates are usually received by the end of November and we will notify you when they are available to be collected.
To compare Gordano School's performance with other schools in our area, you can follow this link