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As a school, we are committed to raising the educational achievement of all pupils attending Gordano. School attendance is crucial to this aim and we value your help in ensuring that your child attends school regularly. As of Sept 2013, the law no longer gives any entitlement to parents to take their child on holiday during term time and Headteachers can no longer grant any extended leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.  The requests relating to exceptional circumstances are extremely rare.  I would like to remind you that if your child is absent and the absence has not been authorised, then the absence will be recorded as unauthorised and could result in a Penalty Notice Fine being issued. 

Further attendance information can be found here. Information about term dates and school timings can be found here.

Entitlement To Free School Meals

 Is your child eligible for a Free School Meal ?
We would like to remind parents that your child(ren) might be eligible for a free school meal if you receive one or more of the following:

• Income Support
• Job Seekers’ Allowance (Income Based)
• Employment Support Allowance (Income Related)
• Child Tax Credit, provided your annual income as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, does not exceed £16,190 (please note that if you receive Working Tax Credit you will not be entitled)
• You receive support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
• The guarantee element of State Pension Credit

More information can be found here.