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Students Inspired after CSI Investigation Lesson

The Youth Project and Engagement Coordinator Team at Avon and Somerset Police, who are the conduit for work in schools, have visited school to conduct some CSI work with the Uniformed Protective Services Year 11 class.

Students were given an amazing lesson focused on evidence handling, including scene contamination, as well as the collection and recording of evidence.

The students participated in a real-life crime scene setup within the classroom, where the scenario involved stolen computers. They had to gather and submit evidence like footprints, blood, and a discarded receipt to receive clues that helped them piece together the mystery.

One participant said: ‘we had such a fun lesson! It’s given us the chance to really understand what it’s like to investigate a crime scene and has helped me to think more about my career opportunities.’

Students who are allocated this course often progress to Protective Services Apprenticeships such as policing, security, HM Forces, fire service and paramedics and pursue careers in the Army, Navy, RAF, Fire and Rescue Service, Police and Prison Service.